My Projects

NBA Player Proficiency Ranking System

Developed a comprehensive ranking system to evaluate NBA player proficiency using advanced metrics. Utilized Python to scrape and process large datasets, calculate performance statistics, and generate actionable insights. The project demonstrates expertise in data analysis, web scraping, and mathematical modeling to create a data-driven evaluation tool.

Client Server Architecture

A generic client-server architecture to manage user data, log actions, and send automated emails. It was developed as part of a group effort, I focused on designing the database and writing SQL queries to store and retrieve data efficiently. I created a MySQL database to manage user information, log actions, and queue emails to be sent.

Grey Walter Tortoise

I built a working replica of the Grey Walter Tortoise. The robot follows light using photo transistors, which detect the intensity of light and prompt the robot to turn towards the light source. It also avoids obstacles using whiskers, when a whisker touches an object, the robot moves away to avoid it. The robot's movement is controlled by a simple feedback loop, where sensor input continuously influences its actions.